LinkedIn Talent Solutions Logo

Great Companies Are Built With Great People

Access 1 billion+ professionals and real-time data to find and hire the right people to grow your business.


LinkedIn Recruiter

A hiring platform to quickly source, connect with, and manage qualified candidates.

  • Hire the right people with advanced search filters and intelligent matching
  • Build meaningful candidate connections through personalized messaging
  • Easily manage your candidate pipeline with collaboration and analytics tools

LinkedIn Jobs

Post your open roles on LinkedIn and easily target, prioritize, and manage qualified applicants.

  • Create a job post quickly and target your jobs to relevant members
  • Get matched with the right candidates and prioritize interviews with insights
  • Promote your priority and hard-to-fill roles to get more qualified candidates

LinkedIn Career Pages

A media-rich page to tell your company’s story, drive awareness, and spotlight your job opportunities.

  • Build employer brand through company news, employee testimonials, and more
  • Target people with curated content that shows company's culture
  • Help candidates assess their fit with personalized job recs and insights
Contact Us

If you are interested in LinkedIn Talent Solutions, talk to our experts to get started.
